c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c This file is part of the Test Set for IVP solvers c http://www.dm.uniba.it/~testset/ c c PLEI problem c ODE of dimension 28 c c DISCLAIMER: see c http://www.dm.uniba.it/~testset/disclaimer.php c c The most recent version of this source file can be found at c http://www.dm.uniba.it/~testset/src/problems/plei.f c c This is revision c $Id: plei.F,v 1.2 2006/10/02 10:29:14 testset Exp $ c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function pidate() pidate = 20060828 return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine prob(fullnm,problm,type, + neqn,ndisc,t, + numjac,mljac,mujac, + nummas,mlmas,mumas, + ind) character*(*) fullnm, problm, type integer neqn,ndisc,mljac,mujac,mlmas,mumas,ind(*) double precision t(0:*) logical numjac, nummas fullnm = 'Pleiades problem' problm = 'plei' type = 'ODE' neqn = 28 ndisc = 0 t(0) = 0d0 t(1) = 3d0 numjac = .false. mljac = neqn mujac = neqn return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init(neqn,t,y,yprime,consis) integer neqn double precision t,y(neqn),yprime(neqn) logical consis y(1) = 3d0 y(2) = 3d0 y(3) = -1d0 y(4) = -3d0 y(5) = 2d0 y(6) = -2d0 y(7) = 2d0 y(8) = 3d0 y(9) = -3d0 y(10) = 2d0 y(11) = 0d0 y(12) = 0d0 y(13) = -4d0 y(14) = 4d0 y(15) = 0d0 y(16) = 0d0 y(17) = 0d0 y(18) = 0d0 y(19) = 0d0 y(20) = 1.75d0 y(21) = -1.5d0 y(22) = 0d0 y(23) = 0d0 y(24) = 0d0 y(25) = -1.25d0 y(26) = 1d0 y(27) = 0d0 y(28) = 0d0 return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine settolerances(neqn,rtol,atol,tolvec) integer neqn logical tolvec double precision rtol(neqn), atol(neqn) tolvec = .false. return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine setoutput(neqn,solref,printsolout, + nindsol,indsol) logical solref, printsolout integer neqn, nindsol integer indsol(neqn) c the reference solution is available solref = .true. c output file is required printsolout = .true. c default values if printsolout is .true. nindsol = 2 c only nindsol component of indsol are referenced indsol(1) = 1 indsol(2) = 8 return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine feval(neqn,t,y,yprime,f,ierr,rpar,ipar) integer neqn,ierr,ipar(*) double precision t,y(neqn),yprime(neqn),f(neqn),rpar(*) integer mj,i,j double precision sumx,sumy,rij,rij32 do 20 i=1,7 sumx = 0d0 sumy = 0d0 do 10 j=1,7 mj = j rij = (y(i)-y(j))**2+(y(i+7)-y(j+7))**2 rij32 = rij**(3d0/2d0) if (j.ne.i) then sumx = sumx+mj*(y(j)-y(i))/rij32 sumy = sumy+mj*(y(j+7)-y(i+7))/rij32 endif 10 continue f(i+14) = sumx f(i+21) = sumy 20 continue do 30 i=1,14 f(i) = y(i+14) 30 continue return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine jeval(ldim,neqn,t,y,yprime,dfdy,ierr,rpar,ipar) integer ldim,neqn,ierr,ipar(*) double precision t,y(neqn),yprime(neqn),dfdy(ldim,neqn),rpar(*) integer i,j,mi,mj double precision rij,rij32,rij52,fjh,sumxx,sumxy,sumyy do 20 i=1,neqn do 10 j=1,neqn dfdy(i,j)=0d0 10 continue 20 continue do 30 i=1,14 dfdy(i,14+i)=1d0 30 continue do 50 i=2,7 mi=i do 40 j=1,i-1 mj=j rij=(y(i)-y(j))**2+(y(i+7)-y(j+7))**2 rij32=rij**1.5d0 rij52=rij**2.5d0 fjh=(1d0-3*(y(j)-y(i))**2/rij)/rij32 dfdy(i+14,j)=mj*fjh dfdy(j+14,i)=mi*fjh fjh=(1d0-3*(y(j+7)-y(i+7))**2/rij)/rij32 dfdy(i+21,j+7)=mj*fjh dfdy(j+21,i+7)=mi*fjh fjh=-3*(y(j)-y(i))*(y(j+7)-y(i+7))/rij52 dfdy(i+14,j+7)=mj*fjh dfdy(j+14,i+7)=mi*fjh dfdy(i+21,j)=mj*fjh dfdy(j+21,i)=mi*fjh 40 continue 50 continue do 70 i=1,7 sumxx=0d0 sumxy=0d0 sumyy=0d0 do 60 j=1,7 if (j.ne.i) then sumxx=sumxx+dfdy(i+14,j) sumxy=sumxy+dfdy(i+14,j+7) sumyy=sumyy+dfdy(i+21,j+7) endif 60 continue dfdy(i+14,i)=-sumxx dfdy(i+14,i+7)=-sumxy dfdy(i+21,i)=-sumxy dfdy(i+21,i+7)=-sumyy 70 continue return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine meval(ldim,neqn,t,y,yprime,dfddy,ierr,rpar,ipar) integer ldim,neqn,ierr,ipar(*) double precision t,y(neqn),yprime(neqn),dfddy(ldim,neqn),rpar(*) c c dummy subroutine c return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine solut(neqn,t,y) integer neqn double precision t,y(neqn) c c computed at Cray C90 using Cray double precision c Solving Pleiades problem using PSIDE c c User input: c c give relative error tolerance: 1d-16 c give absolute error tolerance: 1d-16 c c c Integration characteristics: c c number of integration steps 12401 c number of accepted steps 12397 c number of f evaluations 111573 c number of Jacobian evaluations 1 c number of LU decompositions 712 c c CPU-time used: 343.29 sec y( 1) = 0.3706139143970502d+000 y( 2) = 0.3237284092057233d+001 y( 3) = -0.3222559032418324d+001 y( 4) = 0.6597091455775310d+000 y( 5) = 0.3425581707156584d+000 y( 6) = 0.1562172101400631d+001 y( 7) = -0.7003092922212495d+000 y( 8) = -0.3943437585517392d+001 y( 9) = -0.3271380973972550d+001 y( 10) = 0.5225081843456543d+001 y( 11) = -0.2590612434977470d+001 y( 12) = 0.1198213693392275d+001 y( 13) = -0.2429682344935824d+000 y( 14) = 0.1091449240428980d+001 y( 15) = 0.3417003806314313d+001 y( 16) = 0.1354584501625501d+001 y( 17) = -0.2590065597810775d+001 y( 18) = 0.2025053734714242d+001 y( 19) = -0.1155815100160448d+001 y( 20) = -0.8072988170223021d+000 y( 21) = 0.5952396354208710d+000 y( 22) = -0.3741244961234010d+001 y( 23) = 0.3773459685750630d+000 y( 24) = 0.9386858869551073d+000 y( 25) = 0.3667922227200571d+000 y( 26) = -0.3474046353808490d+000 y( 27) = 0.2344915448180937d+001 y( 28) = -0.1947020434263292d+001 return end