% The last report with the descriptive part of the testset @TechReport{Testset, author = {Mazzia, Francesca and Magherini, Cecilia}, title = {Test set for initial value problem solvers, release 2.4}, institution = {Department of Mathematics, University of Bari, Italy}, year = {2008}, OPTkey = {}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {4}, OPTaddress = {}, month = {February}, note = {Available at \url{http://archimede.uniba.it/~testset}}, OPTannote = {} } % The web site, last release @manual{testset, author= "INdAM, research Unit of Bari, project group "Codes and Test Problems for Differential Equations", Coordinator Prof. Mazzia, Francesca", title= "Test Set for Initial Value Problem Solvers, release 2.4", year= "2008", month= "February", organization="Department of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro and INdAM, Research Unit of Bari", note= "Available at \url{http://archimede.uniba.it/~testset}" }